- What should white do?
- Bengt has come up with another peculiar game. It's rather zen-like, or so Bengt thinks, anyway. Others might say "boring" is a more fitting description. Anyway. There are three pieces, all identical. The board is a chessboard, and it is empty when the game starts. In each turn, the player can add a piece to the board, or remove one, or move one from any square to any other empty square. You are not allowed to make a move so that you get a situation on the board which you have had before. (A different piece in the same square counts as the same situation. You can't add a piece after it has been removed.)
How many turns can the game last, at the most? - This game could also be played with two players. If the winner is the first person who is not able to make a move, who wins - the player who starts, or the other one? (Assume that they are using optimal strategies, that they want to win, and so on.)
- How many turns will it last?
- Do questions b, c and d again, but with n pieces instead.
Chess problem 3
Chess Month continues with another very chaotic chess challenge.